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Showing posts from January, 2023

Navigating the Evolution of Mathematics Education: A Decade of Teaching Experience

As a mathematics teacher with over a decade of experience teaching in a lower secondary school, I have seen firsthand the evolution of mathematics education. In my early years of teaching, the focus was primarily on rote learning and memorization of formulas and concepts. However, over the years, I have seen a shift towards a more holistic and student-centered approach to teaching mathematics. One of the most significant changes I have noticed is the increased emphasis on problem-solving and real-world applications of mathematics. Gone are the days when students were expected to simply memorize formulas and solve equations without understanding their relevance. Today, students are encouraged to think critically and apply mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios. This approach not only helps students to understand the material better but also makes mathematics more engaging and relevant to their lives. Another change I have noticed is the incorporation of technology in the classroo

Exploring the Limitations of the EMISv2 and the Importance of Comprehensive Analyses and Qualitative Reports

The Education Management Information System (EMISv2) is a tool used by schools across the country to manage and track student information, including academic performance. However, one of the shortcomings of the academic module (of classes 4 to 8) of the EMISv2 is that it does not provide comprehensive analyses of the school's academic results. I have been working on the school result for many years, and found that statistical analyses are important to make informed decisions. Specifically, the EMISv2 does not show statistical reports containing measures of central tendency, such as mean, median, and mode. These measures of central tendency provide a summary of the distribution of data and can help identify patterns and trends in student performance. Without them, it is difficult to make informed decisions about how to improve student performance. Another limitation of the EMISv2 is that it contains minimal qualitative reports. Qualitative reports, such as observations and comments

The Cost of Dishonesty: Examining the Impact of the Missing Answer Scripts Incident

The news that forty students of Trashitse HSS in Wamrong, Trashigang will have to resit their class XII board examinations due to missing answer scripts is concerning. The fact that the secured boxes had been tampered with and specific examination envelopes for certain subjects had been removed suggests a potential breach of security protocols. The fact that all the missing papers were science subjects raises further questions about the cause of the missing answer scripts. Such a plan would likely have taken significant time and effort to execute. While the students who executed the plan of tampering with examination papers may have succeeded in their efforts, it comes at a significant cost to both the school and the country. Furthermore, the country is already facing financial instability, and this incident will only add to the burden. The cost of re-conducting the examinations will have to be borne by the government, which could have been used for other important projects and program

"You Cannot Give What You Do Not Have" -His Majesty the 5th King of Bhutan

His Majesty the 5th King of Bhutan is well-known for His inspiring words, particularly when it comes to education. In 2014, during a speech to teacher trainees in Bhutan, His Majesty said, "You cannot give what you do not have", meaning that they should lead by example.  His Majesty’s message was clear – if you wish to teach something, then you must first possess it yourself. It is important for teachers to be role models and examples for their students. His Majesty urged them to understand the importance of being well-educated and knowledgeable to pass on that knowledge to their students. He also stressed the need for strong values and morals, which can be exemplified through one’s actions.  This is especially important for educators, as they are shaping the future of their students. If educators do not possess the qualities they wish to instil in their students, it will be difficult for them to successfully impart those values. Therefore, it is essential for educators to be

CodeMonkey in Bhutanese education: Strategies for success despite challenges

What is CodeMonkey? CodeMonkey is a coding education platform that aims to make learning to code fun and accessible for students of all ages. It is a web-based platform that provides interactive coding lessons and game-based challenges to teach students various programming concepts and languages such as Python, JavaScript and others. The platform is designed to be self-paced and easy to use, making it a great option for students who are just starting to learn to code or for those who are looking to improve their coding skills. CodeMonkey is often used in school and other educational settings, but it is also accessible for individual learners. CodeMonkey in the Classroom: The Importance of Proper Teacher Training If teachers do not have the proper training and knowledge on how to use CodeMonkey and how to teach coding concepts, they will not be able to effectively teach their students.  One possible drawback of teachers teaching CodeMonkey without proper training and knowledge is that s

Leading by Example: How School Leaders Can Model Professional Growth for Teachers

School leaders play an important role in motivating teachers to grow professionally. They are responsible for providing the necessary guidance and support to their teachers, and for setting a positive tone. A positive tone can be created in many ways, such as encouraging collaboration and communication between teachers, setting clear expectations, recognising achievements and celebrating successes. There are many factors that contribute to a teacher's motivation to grow professionally. School leaders play a key role in creating an environment that is conducive to teacher growth. Factors such as trust, support, and recognition are essential for motivating teachers. By providing opportunities for teacher collaboration, offering mentorship and support, and encouraging teachers to participate in professional development activities, school leaders can create an environment that supports the growth of all educators. When teachers feel supported and motivated to grow, they are more likely

Letter to the District Education Office

District Education Office District Administration, Xyz Subject: Request to reconsider the status quo decision to not allow students to use smartphones in the classroom Dear Sirs/Madams I am writing to express my concern about the status quo decision made by the schools to not allow students to use smartphones in the classroom. I understand that the school leaders possess a very little knowledge on technology use and their focus is more on the risks and not on the opportunities. In the 21st century, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives, and they have the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience of students. With the help of smartphones, students can access a vast amount of information and educational resources, collaborate with their peers, and engage with the material in a more interactive and dynamic way. However, I understand that the school leaders are concerned about the potential risks associated with the use of smartphones, such as distraction a

Universal Design for Learning

 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to curriculum design that aims to make educational materials and instruction accessible to all students, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. This is important for teachers because it allows them to reach a wider range of students and to create a more inclusive learning environment. UDL has several implications for teachers. First, it requires them to think about the different ways in which students might access and engage with the material, and to create multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement. This can include using a variety of instructional strategies, such as visual aids, hands-on activities, and technology, to meet the needs of different learners. Second, UDL requires teachers to be flexible and responsive to the needs of individual students. This can mean adjusting instruction on the fly, providing additional support, or modifying assignments to better meet the needs of certain students. Finally, U

Proposal for Incorporating Smartphones in the Classroom Environment

In today's digital age, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. They not only provide access to information and communication, but also serve as a tool for learning and collaboration. However, many schools do not allow students to use smartphones in the classroom. This proposal aims to argue for the benefits of allowing students to bring smartphones to school, and to propose a framework for responsible use of smartphones in the classroom, and address the security issues of school's WiFi. Smartphones have become ubiquitous in our society, and students are already using them outside of school for communication and access to information. By allowing students to bring smartphones to school, we can harness the potential of these devices to enhance the learning experience. Furthermore, by teaching responsible use of smartphones in the classroom, we can prepare students for the digital age and help them develop the skills they need to be successful in the future.

Differences between remote and urban schools

I have been teaching Mathematics and ICT for over a decade in both remote and urban schools, which has likely provided me with valuable insights into the similarities and differences between these two types of educational environments. In remote schools, I have experienced limited access to educational resources and technology, which made it challenging to provide students with the same quality of education as in urban schools. The facilities were often inadequate, and the students came from communities with fewer resources, which made it difficult to provide students with hands-on learning opportunities. However, these limitations also forced me to be more creative and resourceful in my teaching methods, which was a valuable experience for any teacher. Additionally, teaching in remote areas gave me the opportunity to work closely with the community and helped bridge the gap of the digital divide. On the other hand, teaching in urban schools provided me with access to more resources an

Why is Educational Philosophy so important for schools?

A school's vision, or educational philosophy, serves several important purposes: It provides a clear and consistent direction for the school's operations, guiding decision-making and ensuring that all efforts are aligned towards a common goal. It helps to create a sense of identity and purpose for the school, which can be shared by students, staff, and parents. This can lead to a greater sense of community and commitment to the school's mission. It helps to establish clear expectations for student learning and development, providing a framework for curriculum design and assessment. It serves as a benchmark for evaluating the school's performance and progress, providing a way to measure the effectiveness of the school's efforts. It serves as a guide for promoting a set of values and principles that align with the school's mission and goals, this allows the school to make decisions that reflects its values and ensure that their actions are guided by their principl

The Future of Education: How Technology is Changing the Way We Learn

Technology is transforming the way we learn, from the way we access and consume knowledge to how we interact with one another and collaborate. The use of AI-powered tools, interactive learning platforms, virtual reality simulations and more are changing the face of education. With these new technologies, students can now learn at their own pace, gain access to more personalized instruction, and have a better understanding of their learning objectives. As technology continues to evolve and become more widely available, it will continue to revolutionize the way we learn in the future. The future of education is likely to be heavily influenced by technology, and this will have significant implications for the role of teachers. As technology continues to advance and become more integrated into education, teachers will need to adapt to new ways of teaching and new tools for delivering instruction. Here are some ways that technology is expected to change the role of the teacher in the future

The role of Technology in the classroom

Technology has the potential to play a variety of roles in the classroom, depending on how it is used and integrated into instruction. Some common ways that technology is used in the classroom include: Enhancing instruction: Technology can be used to support teaching and learning by providing multimedia content, interactive activities, simulations, and other resources that can help to engage students and enhance understanding. Providing access to information: Technology can provide students with access to a wide range of information and resources that can help to support learning and research. Facilitating communication and collaboration: Technology can be used to support communication and collaboration between students and teachers, as well as among students. For example, students can use tools like video conferencing and online discussion boards to work on group projects or to share information with their classmates. Supporting assessment and feedback: Technology can be used to suppo

Why is education so important for the future of society?

The role of education in society is to prepare young people for citizenship. It is also to help them become productive members of the workforce and to contribute to the economy. Education also instils values such as democracy, tolerance and respect for others.  The importance of education can be seen in how societies with high levels of educational attainment are more likely to prosper economically and have healthier citizens. In fact, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has found that, on average, each year of schooling can add the equivalent of 10% to a person's wages.  So why is education so important? There are many reasons. One most important is that it helps create an informed citizenry who will make decisions that benefit not just themselves, but society as a whole.  A well-educated population is more likely to vote, volunteer, and participate in their community. They are also less likely to commit crimes and end up in prison.  Education doesn&#

Evidence-based Learning: The Importance of Research in Education

Evidence-based learning is a powerful approach to education that emphasizes the use of research to inform instructional practices and improve student outcomes. At its core, evidence-based learning is about using the best available evidence to guide decisions about how to teach and how to support students in their learning. One of the key benefits of evidence-based learning is that it helps educators to focus on what really works in the classroom. Rather than relying on intuition or personal experience, evidence-based learning calls on educators to seek out and use research-based practices that have been shown to be effective in similar contexts. This helps to ensure that students are receiving instruction that is grounded in the latest and most reliable research, rather than relying on outdated or untested methods. Another benefit of evidence-based learning is that it can help to bridge the gap between research and practice. Too often, research findings are not translated into actual c