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The Cost of Dishonesty: Examining the Impact of the Missing Answer Scripts Incident

The news that forty students of Trashitse HSS in Wamrong, Trashigang will have to resit their class XII board examinations due to missing answer scripts is concerning. The fact that the secured boxes had been tampered with and specific examination envelopes for certain subjects had been removed suggests a potential breach of security protocols. The fact that all the missing papers were science subjects raises further questions about the cause of the missing answer scripts.

Such a plan would likely have taken significant time and effort to execute. While the students who executed the plan of tampering with examination papers may have succeeded in their efforts, it comes at a significant cost to both the school and the country. Furthermore, the country is already facing financial instability, and this incident will only add to the burden. The cost of re-conducting the examinations will have to be borne by the government, which could have been used for other important projects and programs. Additionally, the incident may also have a negative impact on the country's reputation and the perception of its education system. 

While submitting the consignments to Bhutan Post on the same day the examinations were concluded could have been a potential solution to prevent tampering or removal of specific examination envelopes, it is important to consider the criminal intent of the culprits. Even if the papers were handed over to Bhutan Post, the criminals behind this incident may have still gone to great lengths to access the papers. It is important to note that those who tampered with the examination papers had a clear criminal intent and were willing to break the rules to achieve their goals. Given this, it is likely that they would have gone to great lengths to access the papers, even if that meant storming Bhutan Post. This highlights the importance of not only having secure protocols in place for handling examination papers, but also being aware of potential criminal intent and taking appropriate measures to prevent it.

It is important to note that this incident not only affects the academic future of the students, but also their mental well-being. The decision to re-conduct the examinations for forty students would place a significant amount of stress on them. The students who have not been involved in the intentional disruption of the examination process, may experience severe mental trauma.

Resitting the exams can cause anxiety and stress for students who have worked hard for the first time, and it is important to ensure that they are provided with the necessary support and accommodations to prepare and perform well in the rescheduled examinations. Furthermore, the students who are found guilty of intentionally tampering with the examination papers should be held accountable for their actions, but also given an opportunity to understand the impact of their actions and learn from them.

It is crucial that the school, BCSEA, and relevant authorities take into account the mental well-being of the students and provide them with the necessary support to help them cope with the situation. This includes providing counseling services, academic accommodations, and other resources to help them prepare for the rescheduled examinations. Additionally, it is important to educate students on the importance of integrity, moral values, and the impact of their actions on others.

Such actions go against the basic principles of integrity and morality. The act of cheating not only undermines the value and importance of education, but it also undermines the trust and fairness of the examination process. Moreover, the act of cheating also reflects a lack of personal responsibility and accountability. The students who tampered with the examination papers have not only harmed their own academic future but also the future of their peers and the school's reputation. It also has an impact on the country's economy, as well as the reputation of the education system. These actions demonstrate a lack of understanding of the importance of personal responsibility and integrity, which are fundamental values that should be instilled in students in order for them to become responsible citizens.

Therefore, it is important to address not only the academic consequences but also the moral and ethical implications of such incidents. We should take appropriate measures to ensure that students understand the importance of integrity, moral values and the impact of their actions on others. This includes providing education and guidance on the importance of personal responsibility, integrity and accountability.


  1. Nicely written. My son is one of those 40 affected students.


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